happyhalloween radioactive biohazard detailslater evilemployer creature braindead horror destroy leon tummyhurty microwave psycho realghost randomchemicals

Welcome to my webbed site :)

Hello! I'm Wooga and this is my little site :) I finally joined Neocities really recently and I'm getting really into building my own cozy space for myself and my interests.

As my site gets more built up expect lots of reviews/rants about different horror media, shrines to my favorite things, and pages dedicated to my OCs for those medias.

If you couldn't tell by the theming of my main page I’m a huge horror fan, and that’s horror in any format. Movies, video games, books, and online ARGs are all equally loved by me. Some of my favorite horror media are Psycho (1960), the Re-Animator films, Resident Evil, and Slenderman. I’m a sucker for silly little guys in horrific situations.

I'm mostly a writer so a lot of my OC content will be written stories as opposed to art, though I am practicing my drawing skills so that may get posted here eventually too. Also, all ye be warned, I'm a massive self shipper so there will be a lot of OC x cannon content on my site.

It's also really helpful for me to have a place to unleash all of my hyperfixation brain rot without worrying about bothering anyone or anyone bothering me. So, after this main page, most of what you'll find here is related to the different media I like.

If you like what I have here my 'about me' page will have links to my social media pages where you can feel dree to message or follow me.

animecannaballism machinegirl yes pen watches soscared stophating